Finance is a huge aspect in Agribusiness for both small and big holders. A research estimate shows that, there are about 608 million family farms around the world, occupying between 70-80% of the world's farmland and producing around 80% of the world food in value terms.In Sub-Sahara Africa, more than 60% are small scale farmers and they generate about 23% of GDP that comes from Agriculture. And yet it's believed that Agricultural potential is not yet tapped.
It's no new news that Agriculture can help reduces poverty and raise incomes and improve food security for 80% of the world's 800 million poor people, who lives in rural areas and work mainly on farming. Farmers and small scale entrepreneurs need financial assistance most because they are the actors in the agricultural sectors.
Problems are not what to run from, they are just hurdles to cross and we are here for you all the way.
Although we believe the first thing to be Education. Along with that, we will not ignore the irreplaceable significance of finance. And to give you the help needed, we've partnered with a financial based company. Which we will be introducing to you very soon. They are an EDI(Entrepreneurial Development Institute) and a Project Agent to the Bank of Industry.